
Career development is no longer a catchphrase, it has evolved from being a  mere catchphrase to becoming a central and peculiar component of modern workplaces.

One of the most important resources a company can have is people. So, organizations prime responsibility is to take care of their employees and provide them with the opportunity to grow and develop.

Employees who are conscious about their careers stick to those organisations where they get opportunities to showcase their talent and achieve their objectives.

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How Does Career Development Benefit the organization?

There are many benefits of career development programs. However many organisations focus only on those skills that are more relevant for the growth or success of the organisation.

Career development for employees is a process for enhancing the current skills of employees. It helps them with opportunities to create new skills which will help them in their personal and professional growth and help in achieving organisational goals.

1- Attracts better Talent:

As we know, everyone are looking for the best companies to work for. Employees nowadays are not looking for what they can offer a company but what the company can offer them.

Finding a job is not difficult nowadays but finding top talent is. That’s why it is important to include career development benefits for employees in the organisation.

2- Work Satisfaction

When you offer career development programs to your employees which helps them in improving and building their career, they will grab such an opportunity. this will help employees to be more satisfied in the workplace.

satisfied employees always gives more to the organisation and does not feel that they are used for their skills. When an employee feels that the organisation is not using them rather they are investing on them, they give back what they get.

importance of the career develop program

3- Improves Productivity

Such programs helps employees to develop new skills which contributes them to perform their jobs more effectively on a daily basis. It eventually leads to more productivity and efficiency as they learn.

The more employes you provide with such skills, the more improvement you will find. Such effort made by the organisation and and appreciation brings them the right opportunities.

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4- High Employee Retention

Your employees are your company’s greatest asset and making sure that they don’t leave is one big task. Career development not only attracts better talent but also helps new and existing employees to stick around for a long term.

Companies usually want people who stay. For making your employees stay in the organisation your should start offering them things that they desire and deserve.

What are the Elements of this Program?

A career development program includes a variety of elements which is useful for the organization. To increase the efficiency, the organization must have a complete knowledge about such tools. These components have two sides on which focuses on individual career development and the other on organizational career development.

For better results organizations uses a correct amount of combination of both types of activities. Let’s understand more about such tools.

1- Self Assessment Tools

This is the method used by the organizations in their effort to provide career development to their employees. This is a career analysis form where individuals complete their self-assessment exercise.

They fill information about their skills, interest, preferences goals whether short or long term. this whole exercise helps them understand their own desires, likes and dislikes.

2-Career Planning Workshop:

Career planning workshop is a place where individuals after their self-assessment process share their information with other individuals and their mentor.

When they get a proper feedback from other they can thoroughly check their plans and goals . there is a possibility that they may change their plan and move towards new direction.

components of career development program

3- Individual Counselling:

Individual counselling is known to be one of the most commonly undertaken activities by an organization. Such counselling are usually provided by some specialists. Many organizations hire them while some have their own departments.

Individual counselling is useful for employees to understand their goals, make changes if required and improve their skills and competencies.

4- Developmental Programs:

Organizations provide development program to their employees to develop them for a better future position. Such program can be performed under the guidance of trainers or specialist from outside.

these programs include various ways to learn and grow, like assessment centres, job rotation, outside seminars and mentoring.

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