

Onboarding refers to the process of hiring new personnel in the organization. It includes the activities that help the new personnel learn about the organization’s culture, vision, mission, and values. In other words, onboarding is also known as organizational socialization.

Onboarding is different from orientation. While orientation focuses on completing paperwork and other routine tasks such as HR documents, to make the new hire’s employment official onboarding allows engaging with other employees and job-related training that will help them to perform well in their role.

There are many questions, what onboarding exactly is, what are the goals of onboarding, and the role and responsibilities of onboarding. Let’s have a look at these questions.

Masterclass on employee onboarding part-2

What is onboarding?

It is a process to unify the new employees physically, professionally, and emotionally in their new workplace. Let’s dive into the 4 C’s approach.


Compliance includes an outline of the company’s policies, safety regulations, confidentiality requirements, etc. It includes a basic explanation of the legal terms and conditions that are relevant to the organization.


clarifying the new hires about the role that they will play in the organization. The new hires must understand their new job and all related expectations of their role. There must be no communication gap between the employer and the employee.


Culture is a vast category that delivers all new employees with a sense of organizational norms such as their vision, mission, and values. If the employees get dazzled by the firm’s culture, they become your loyal workers. So introduce your organisation’s motive effectively on onboarding.

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Connecting the new hires with the external and internal resources is necessary to produce optimal results. An influential connection between the newcomers and the mentors authenticates the success of the organization.

Implementing all the 4 C’s compliance, culture, clarification, and connection in the firm helps the firm to grow effectively and efficiently as the employees hired now are inevitably performing their job roles spontaneously.

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